
Spiritual Musings, Creative Inspiration, and Simple Vegan Recipes


Embrace your Inner Goddess for May Day

Happy May Day! In case you didn’t know—today marks the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. It is the day to welcome in fertility, growth, green things and warmth. Today is considered to be the height of spring, and a time to celebrate the feminine aspects of the Divine. We are opening to new aspects of ourselves, parts that have been lying dormant and waiting to emerge.

Although I wasn’t able to dance around a maypole today, I was able to dedicate my morning yoga practice to the divine goddess within and to share this with my students this morning. But I found myself asking the question: How can we connect to our divine inner goddess in our daily lives? What does that even mean?

Certainly the answer will be different for everyone, but as I meditated on what this would mean in my own life, the answer that emerged was embracing my creativity. I often allow myself to get so busy with the many responsibilities of life, my job, doing laundry, cooking dinner, working out, buying groceries, etc. etc. I simply do not make the time to create and recreate. Growing up, like many kids, I enthusiastically drew, wrote poems and stories, made sculptures, and created free of restraint, self-judgment or criticism.

Recently I was talking to my desire to start sewing lessons soon, and how excited I was to re-learn the basics. She told me that when I was much younger, I would sew without abandon—allowing myself to simply create and enjoy the process. I realized that I could do this again, even in small ways, if I was willing to let go of the need to have things look a “certain way.”

This afternoon, I took the time to sit down and draw an image of myself as goddess. I just picked up my colored pencils and began. Yes, the critical voice in my head chimed in several times—but the image I created brought my joy. In my goddess image I had pink, purple and blue hair, covered in leaves and flowers, smiling and calm.  Certainly no masterpiece, but just the feeling of putting color on paper brought happiness and a feeling of connection to something outside of myself.

I believe the  goddess within is made manifest in the simple act of creation. Creating a sacred time and sacred place to nurture this connection is one way, and a very powerful one, to connect with this inner goddess. So to honor my inner goddess—I will write, draw, sing, dance, and connect in any way to connect to this divine creative self. Happy May Day and may you see and know the goddess within!Image